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How do I subtract the previous row from the current row in a pandas dataframe and apply it to every row; without using a loop?

I am using Python3.5 and I am working with pandas. I have loaded stock data from yahoo finance and have saved the files to csv. My DataFrames load this data from the csv. This is a copy of the ten rows of the csv file that is my DataFrame

  Date       Open       High      Low     Close    Volume   Adj Close   1990-04-12  26.875000  26.875000  26.625  26.625      6100  250.576036 1990-04-16  26.500000  26.750000  26.375  26.750       500  251.752449 1990-04-17  26.750000  26.875000  26.750  26.875      2300  252.928863 1990-04-18  26.875000  26.875000  26.500  26.625      3500  250.576036 1990-04-19  26.500000  26.750000  26.500  26.750       700  251.752449 1990-04-20  26.750000  26.875000  26.750  26.875      2100  252.928863 1990-04-23  26.875000  26.875000  26.750  26.875       700  252.928863 1990-04-24  27.000000  27.000000  26.000  26.000      2400  244.693970 1990-04-25  25.250000  25.250000  24.875  25.125      9300  236.459076 1990-04-26  25.000000  25.250000  24.750  25.000      1200  235.282663 

I know that I can use iloc, loc, ix but these values that I index will only give my specific rows and columns and will not perform the operation on every row. For example: Row one of the data in the open column has a value of 26.875 and the row below it has 26.50. The price dropped .375 cents. I want to be able to capture the % of Increase or Decrease from the previous day so to finish this example .375 divided by 26.875 = 1.4% decrease from one day to the next. I want to be able to run this calculation on every row so I know how much it has increased or decreased from the previous day. The index functions I have tried but they are absolute, and I don't want to use a loop. Is there a way I can do this with the ix, iloc, loc or another function?

like image 813
ZacAttack Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 22:09


People also ask

How do you subtract two rows in pandas?

subtract() function is used for finding the subtraction of dataframe and other, element-wise. This function is essentially same as doing dataframe – other but with a support to substitute for missing data in one of the inputs.

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diff() function. This function calculates the difference between two consecutive DataFrame elements. Parameters: periods: Represents periods to shift for computing difference, Integer type value.

How do you delete the last two rows in pandas?

We can remove the last n rows using the drop() method. drop() method gets an inplace argument which takes a boolean value. If inplace attribute is set to True then the dataframe gets updated with the new value of dataframe (dataframe with last n rows removed).

2 Answers

you can use pct_change() or/and diff() methods


In [138]: df.Close.pct_change() * 100 Out[138]: 0         NaN 1    0.469484 2    0.467290 3   -0.930233 4    0.469484 5    0.467290 6    0.000000 7   -3.255814 8   -3.365385 9   -0.497512 Name: Close, dtype: float64  In [139]: df.Close.diff() Out[139]: 0      NaN 1    0.125 2    0.125 3   -0.250 4    0.125 5    0.125 6    0.000 7   -0.875 8   -0.875 9   -0.125 Name: Close, dtype: float64 
like image 161
MaxU - stop WAR against UA Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

MaxU - stop WAR against UA

MaxU solutions suits in your case. If you want to perform more complex computations based on your previous rows you should use shift

like image 28
vozman Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10
