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How do I store a MySQL query result into a local CSV file?


How do I store a MySQL query result into a local CSV file? I don't have access to the remote machine.

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joe Avatar asked Mar 05 '10 09:03


People also ask

How do I store the MySQL query results in a local CSV file?

use the command insert...select to create a "result" table. The ideal scenario whould be to automatically create the fields of this result table, but this is not possible in mysql. create an ODBC connection to the database. use access or excel to extract the data and then save or process in the way you want.

How do I export data from MySQL to CSV?

Select the table of the database that you want to export and click on the Export tab from the right side. Select the CSV format from the Format drop-down list and click on the Go button. Select the Save File option and press the OK button. The file will be downloaded in the Downloads folder.

How do I save SQL query output to a file?

Click Query, and then click Results to File. Enter and then execute the SQL statement. In the Save Results dialog box, specify the following settings: Save In: Select a directory in which to save the file.

2 Answers

You're going to have to use the command line execution '-e' flag.

$> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u user -p -h remote.example.com -e "select t1.a,t1.b from db_schema.table1 t1 limit 10;" > hello.txt 

Will generate a local hello.txt file in your current working directory with the output from the query.

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tmarthal Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10


We can use command line execution '-e' flag and a simple python script to generate result in csv format.

  • create a python file (lets name = tab2csv) and write the following code in it..

     #!/usr/bin/env python  import csv  import sys  tab_in = csv.reader(sys.stdin, dialect=csv.excel_tab)  comma_out = csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect=csv.excel)  for row in tab_in:    comma_out.writerow(row) 
  • Run the following command by updating mysql credentials correctly

    mysql -u orch -p -h database_ip -e "select * from database_name.table_name  limit 10;" | python tab2csv > outfile.csv 

Result will be stored in outfile.csv.

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kamal sehrawat Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10

kamal sehrawat