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How do I start cycling in an array from the 2nd element using each? - Ruby



Say I have an array like this:

["auburn", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/web/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/cpg/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/eng/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sof/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sad/"]

What I would like to do is work on just the URLs in this array - which will always start at element[1] and go up.

How do I do that?

like image 414
marcamillion Avatar asked May 15 '12 11:05


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def cycle (my_list, start_at=None): start_at = 0 if start_at is None else my_list.index (start_at) while True: yield my_list [start_at] start_at = (start_at + 1) % len (my_list) This will return an (infinite) iterator looping your list. To get the next element in the cycle you must use the next statement:

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3 Answers

This only shows the elements starting from 1 (the second element), -1 stands for the last element

a = ["auburn", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/web/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/cpg/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/eng/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sof/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sad/"] 

p a[1..-1]
=> ["http://auburn.craigslist.org/web/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/cpg/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/eng/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sof/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sad/"]
like image 173
peter Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 12:11


a = ["auburn", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/web/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/cpg/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/eng/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sof/", "http://auburn.craigslist.org/sad/"]

a.drop(1).each { |m| puts m }

#=> http://auburn.craigslist.org/web/
#   http://auburn.craigslist.org/cpg/
#   http://auburn.craigslist.org/eng/
#   http://auburn.craigslist.org/sof/
#   http://auburn.craigslist.org/sad/
like image 20
megas Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 12:11


a[1..-1] will return the array with the first item removed.

like image 36
Andy Waite Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 12:11

Andy Waite