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How do I split a string at a space after a certain number of characters in javascript?

So I have a nice long string that I need to split in Javascript at a space following a certain amount of characters. For instance, if I have

"You is a dog and I am a cat."

and I want it to split after 10 characters but at the next space... so rather than splitting dog up I want the next space to be the split point.

I hope I wrote that clearly, its a bit awkward to explain.

EDIT: I need to store all of this into an array. So splitting the string up as I described, but storing it into an array which I can iterate through. Sorry for the confusion- like I said, a bit odd to describe.

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muzzledBYbrass Avatar asked Apr 26 '13 22:04


1 Answers


str = "How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!"
result = str.replace(/.{10}\S*\s+/g, "$&@").split(/\s+@/)


 "How razorback-jumping",
 "frogs can level",
 "six piqued",
like image 132
georg Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09
