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How do I speed up the scroll speed in a JScrollPane when using the mouse wheel?

I see the method JScrollPane.setWheelScrollingEnabled(boolean) to enable or disable the mouse wheel scrolling. Is there any way to adjust the speed of the scrolling, though? It is, in my opinion, ludicrously slow. No matter what size I make the window, the scrolling is about three pixels per click. I'd like it to be much more than that.

Any ideas?

like image 241
Erick Robertson Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 15:04

Erick Robertson

People also ask

Why is mouse scrolling slow?

You may have a problem with a system setting or a graphics driver if you experience choppy scrolling on Web pages. The choppy page display could mean that your computer's touch device or mouse is set at too high of a scrolling interval or that the computer's graphics card isn't able to process graphics fast enough.

How do you fix a slow scrolling mouse?

To correct such issue, we suggest that you adjust the scroll speed of your mouse wheel using the steps below: Click Start > Settings. Go to Devices > Mouse & touchpad. Under Choose how many lines to scroll each time, move the slider to the right to make the speed of your mouse wheel faster.

How do I make my JScrollPane scroll faster?

Just use the reference to your JScrollPane object, get the vertical scroll bar from it using getVerticalScrollBar , and then call setUnitIncrement on it, like this: myJScrollPane. getVerticalScrollBar().

1 Answers

You can try this :

like image 167
StKiller Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 00:09
