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How do I show and/or hide a subview using swift





So I've created a ViewControl in my storyboard that has 3 subviews. Each one represents a different view I want to show depending on which table row was selected on the previous screen (NavControl). I start with all of the subviews hidden via the Attributes Inspector's 'hidden' attribute being checked. All of the objects within each of these views are NOT hidden, but are being hidden because the subview itself is hidden (obviously). Thinking I could use the tag attribute I've given each of the three subviews a tag (0, 1 and 2), but can't figure out how to use that either (just in case this is useful as providing me with an option of how to do this I wanted to mention it here).

So, how the heck do I show and then hide any of these subviews? I don't want to go through each object in a subview and toggle its hidden property to true/false I feel like I should just be able to 'show/hide' the entire subview. thus achieving the same result, but much more succinctly.

I can't find anything that will help me via web searches or stackoverflow searches.

My code is very simple. I capture the row that was selected in the previous screen and pass it to a variable on the details screen that contains the subviews. I know this is working because I've set up println()'s on the details screens viewDidLoad function. So now all I have to do is going into each of these conditions and tell it which subview to show and/or hide.

Thanks I appreciate all of this communities help! I'd be lost without it.

like image 751
jammyman34 Avatar asked Jan 16 '15 00:01


People also ask

How to hide subview in Swift?

I start with all of the subviews hidden via the Attributes Inspector's 'hidden' attribute being checked. All of the objects within each of these views are NOT hidden, but are being hidden because the subview itself is hidden (obviously).

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Using the "hidden" property on views in Objective-C/Swift does as a matter of fact not "collapse" the space the view is taking (as opposed to "View. GONE" in Android). Instead you should use Autolayout and a Height constraint.

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Any SwiftUI view can be partially or wholly transparent using the opacity() modifier. This accepts a value between 0 (completely invisible) and 1 (fully opaque), just like the alpha property of UIView in UIKit.

2 Answers

Use this to hide a view in swift

viewVar.isHidden = true 
like image 76
iHulk Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09


You should create IBOutlets for each of the three subviews. Then you can show/hide each of them directly from those references. If you hide a view, it will automatically hide its subviews.

Once you have an outlet for the view, you can do this:

viewYouWantToHide.isHidden = true 
like image 24
AdamPro13 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
