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How do I setup a folder with a different rule and another folder with a different rule

My folder structure is as follows:

-client // Contains the front end and AngularJS code  
-server // Contains backend code  
-models // Contains backend code  

Now, I wish to use eslint angular only for the client folder whereas I wish to use airbnb base for the other folders that are not inside the client folder.

I have two .eslintrc.json files - one in the client folder and one in the ROOT folder.

Client folder configuration looks like:

    "extends": "angular"

whereas the one in the root folder looks like:

    "extends": "airbnb-base",
    "root": true

Now, in the root folder, when I run eslint ., while the backend folders are being linted correctly, the front end doesn't seem to be using the angularjs eslint at all - I am getting errors about ES6 which I am not using the client folder. I don't also get errors about not following John Papa's style guide in the client folder (which the angular plugin should).

However, if I go inside the client folder and run the esling command inside it, it seems to use the correct configuration.

How do I configure it so that only client folder uses the angular eslint whereas the other folders use the airbnb one?

like image 222
callmekatootie Avatar asked Apr 21 '16 07:04


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On the File tab, choose Manage Rules & Alerts, and on the E-mail Rules tab, choose Run Rules Now. In the Run Rules Now box, under Select rules to run, select the check box for each rule that you want to run. In the Run in Folder box, to select a different folder, choose Browse, choose the folder, and then choose OK.

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Click File > Manage Rules & Alerts. Check the box next to the rule that you want to modify. Click Change Rule, click the type of change you want to make, and then complete the steps. Note: To delete a rule, in the Rules and Alerts dialog, check the box next to the rule, and then click Delete.

1 Answers

Configuration for client and server code

If you wonder how to lint different part of code, this is a suggestion.

- myproject
--- .eslintrc
--- src
------ client
--------- .eslintrc 
------ server
--------- .eslintrc

myproject/.eslintrc contains the common rules. For instance,

    brace-style: [2, "1tbs"]
    comma-style: [2, "last"]
    default-case: 2
    func-style: [2, "declaration"] ...

src/client/.eslintrc contains client side rules. For instance,

    browser: true

    angular: false

  - angular

src/server/.eslintrc contains server side rules. For instance

    node: true

Usually I lint a javascript file when I save it.

ESLint is installed also globally. As stated in config help page of ESLint, a globally-installed instance of ESLint can only use globally-installed ESLint plugins. A locally-installed ESLint can make sure of both locally- and globally- installed ESLint plugins. That's I need to install also globally the plugin.

like image 123
thegio Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 22:10
