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How do I set VERBOSITY in ROS for individual nodes?



I would like a specific node in my ROS package to display output at the DEBUG verbosity level, while other nodes to display at the INFO level. I am aware of the rosconsole configuration file, and am able to set verbosity for a package with:


However, the following does not work:

like image 685
Brad Saund Avatar asked Feb 06 '23 04:02

Brad Saund

1 Answers

The easiest way is running rqt_logger_level GUI. If you have no GUI on robot, you can do that using service :

rosservice call /my_node/set_logger_level "{logger: 'rosout', level: 'debug'}" 

Replace my_node and debug to specify the node and verbosity level, respectively.

like image 86
MichałPełka Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 22:03
