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How do I set the default browser as chrome in Visual Studio Code?

I am setting up my VS Code environment for the first time, but I can't figure out how to set Chrome as the default browser for the workspace.

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Su Llewellyn Avatar asked Nov 27 '17 21:11

Su Llewellyn

People also ask

How do I change the default Web browser code in Visual Studio?

Select the Explorer from the left toolbar. Find your HTML file in the Explorer and right-click on it. Choose “Open in Default Browser” or “Open in Other Browsers.” If you select the “Open in Default Browser” option, the HTML file will launch in whatever browser is set as default.

1 Answers

Go to file-> preferences -> user settings -> search "By Default it will open your default favorite browser" set your browser.

like image 154
preety Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
