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How do I set custom CSS for my IPython/IHaskell/Jupyter Notebook?

I would like to apply a few simple changes to the appearance of my IPython/IHaskell/Jupyter Notebooks, such as:

    rendered_html :link {         text-decoration: none;     } 

However, I can't figure out how to do this. I've tried many of the solutions I've found by searching, e.g., placing CSS in:


but none have any effect, and I suspect that, given the recent changes to the Notebook architecture, the method for accomplishing this has changed and that the instructions I'm finding are out of date.

How do I set custom CSS for my IPython/IHaskell/Jupyter Notebook?

OS X 10.10.4; Xcode 6.4; CLT:; Clang: 6.1; Python Python 2.7.10 (Homebrew); IHaskell, IPython 3.0.0 (answers for 4.0.0 and Jupiter 4.0 also appreciated, as I will upgrade soon).

like image 908
orome Avatar asked Aug 22 '15 12:08


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1 Answers

To add custom CSS to a particular notebook you can use HTML. Add and execute a regular Python code cell with the following content:

from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML(""" <style> // add your CSS styling here </style> """) 

Alternatively (thanks @abalter) use the %%html cell magic:

%%html <style> // add your CSS styling here </style> 
like image 137
kynan Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
