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How do I set AppBar action button color in Flutter



I'm trying to set the color of my AppBar action icons by using themes but it's just not working for some reason. Here's my minimal code example:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
        iconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Colors.purple),
        primaryIconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Colors.red),
        accentIconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Colors.amber)
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        iconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Colors.green),
        actionsIconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Colors.yellow),
        actions: [
          IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.add))
  • None of the iconTheme color values have any effect.
  • Settings the opacity in either the MaterialApp.iconTheme, AppBar.iconTheme or AppBar.actionsIconTheme does actually take effect
  • Explicitly setting Icon.color does work but I don't think I should have to do that right?

How do I get the IconButton to respect my theme?

Thanks Thomas

EDIT: By using a Icon directly instead of an IconButton I'm actually able to get the icon to respect my theme, but how do I make that clickable? According to https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/AppBar/actions.html an IconButton is the most common widget to use in AppBar.actions. Is that incorrect?

like image 468
tjarvstrand Avatar asked Sep 09 '19 19:09


People also ask

How do you change the color of the AppBar Icon in Flutter?

Steps. Step 1: Inside the AppBar , add the iconTheme parameter and assign the IconThemeData widget. Step 2: Inside the IconThemeData, add the color parameter and assign the color of your choice.

How do I change the button color on my Flutter?

Go to your main. Inside the MaterialApp, find the ThemeData widget. Add the elevatedButtonTheme property inside and assign the ElevatedButtonThemeData(). Add the style property and change the color as you would change it for normal ElevatedButton. Place the ElevatedButton widget anywhere in your Flutter app and see.

How do I use actions in AppBar Flutter?

actions: This property takes in a list of widgets as a parameter to be displayed after the title if the AppBar is a row. title: This property usually takes in the main widget as a parameter to be displayed in the AppBar. backgroundColor: This property is used to add colors to the background of the Appbar.

How do I change the Text color in AppBar Flutter?

You can change appbar text color in Flutter, by adding the style parameter inside the Text widget. Basically, you provide the styling instructions by using the color property and set its color.

2 Answers

So, apparently my problem was that I hadn't defined the onPressed property of the IconButton. Once I added that, my theme was applied properly.

I knew it was a required property but I didn't get any error when building/running the app.

like image 157
tjarvstrand Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10


Make class of common for App Bar Widget

enum ButtontType {

class topBarWidget {

//region TopBar
  static AppBar createTopBar(
    String title,
    double elevation = 1.5,
    TextStyle titleStyle,
    Widget titleWidget,
    List<ButtontType> leftIcons = const [],
    List<ButtontType> rightIcons = const [],
    ButtonTapCallback action,
    EdgeInsetsDirectional padding = const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 10, end: 10.0),
    Color backgroundColor,
    Color iconColor,
    bool centerTitle = true}) {
var titleText = titleWidget;

if (titleText == null) {
  titleText = Text(
    softWrap: true,
    style: txtStyle,

var leftmenuWidget;
List<Widget> rightRowChildern = [];

final size = 18.0;
final tapAreasize = 32.0;

if (leftIcons.length > 0) {
  List<Widget> mainRowChildern = [];
  mainRowChildern.add(Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0)));
  for (int i = 0; i < leftIcons.length; i++) {

    final menuIconImage = Image.asset(_getImageName(type: leftIcons[i]),color: Colors.black,);
    final menuIconImageSizeBox = SizedBox(child: menuIconImage, width: size, height: size,);
    // ignore: unnecessary_statements
    final menuIconAction = Container(color: Colors.transparent,child: InkWell(onTap: () {(action != null) ? action(leftIcons[i]) : null;},child: ClipOval(child: Container(alignment: Alignment.center,width: tapAreasize,height: tapAreasize,color: Colors.transparent,child:menuIconImageSizeBox,),),),);
    //final menuIconAction = InkWell(child: menuIconImageSizeBox, onTap: () => (action != null) ? action(leftIcons[i]) : null, );

  leftmenuWidget = Row(children: mainRowChildern, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,);

if (rightIcons.length > 0) {
  for (int i = 0; i < rightIcons.length; i++) {

    Widget menuIconImage = Image.asset(_getImageName(type: rightIcons[i]),color: Colors.black,);

    if(_getImageName(type: rightIcons[i]) == _getImageName(type: ButtontType.notificationUnread)){
      menuIconImage = Image.asset(_getImageName(type: rightIcons[i]),);
    } else{
      menuIconImage = Image.asset(_getImageName(type: rightIcons[i]),color: Colors.yellow,);

    var menuIconImageSizeBox;
    menuIconImageSizeBox = SizedBox(child: menuIconImage, width: size * 1.5, height: size * 1.5,);
    final menuIconAction = InkWell(child: menuIconImageSizeBox, onTap: () => (action != null) ? action(rightIcons[i]) : null,);

    if (i != (rightIcons.length - 1)) {
      rightRowChildern.add(Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 12.0)));
  rightRowChildern.add(Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 16.0)));
  rightRowChildern = [
      children: rightRowChildern,

var topBar = AppBar(
  elevation: elevation,
  brightness: Brightness.light,
  backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? Colors.white,
  leading: leftmenuWidget ?? SizedBox(),
  actions: rightRowChildern,
  title: titleText,
  centerTitle: centerTitle,
  titleSpacing: 0,

return topBar;

static String _getImageName({ButtontType type}) {
    var iconName;
   if (type == ButtontType.back) {
      iconName = 'images/back.png';
    } else if (type == ButtontType.menu) {
      iconName = 'images/menu.png';
    return iconName;

Now sample of How to use

// Appbar for notes page
final appBar = topBarWidget.createTopBar(
    titleStyle: txtStyle,
    title: "App Bar",
    leftIcons: [ButtontType.back],
    backgroundColor: Colors.white,
    action: (ButtontType type) {

   var scaffold = Scaffold(
      appBar: appBar,
      body: scaffoldBuilder,

Hope this help!

like image 32
Dharmesh Mansata Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Dharmesh Mansata