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How do I serve image with Perl with some security and least resources?





I found some posts related here but, nothing right on.. I need to serve up an image (humm) "correctly" and using as little resources as possible. I was working on a sub (below) but, is not too resource friendly just by the fact I use CGI. That is just my assumption though. I am a Perl newbie but, I like it better than php.

The query would be generated by "somescript.pl?img=image.png"

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;

#I should drop warnings after all is said and done. Also name my vars generically. Right?
#I dont know if this query method will work or is even the best method.
$query = new CGI;
my @img = $query->param;
if ( $_ eq "img" ) { my $file = $query->param($_); }
if ( $_ ne "img" ) {    ## I will send to an error sub that serves up a error image

# Prob a one liner to take care of the above. Not within my ability though.
# Still figuring all this out here.. Very verbose sorry...
# I will strip everything but lowercase alpha and the "."
# with s =~ /[something like A-Z] I will look it up //g;
# Still.. prob all above will fit in a one liner by a PERL guru!

# Below is related to -Taint, I was told this is important to use the -T.
$ENV{PATH} = "bin:/usr/bin";
delete( $ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH BASH_ENV ENV)} );

# now I will grab the images extension.
my $ext = ( $file =~ m/[^.]+$/ )[0];

#I was informed to use the "three" but, I am unsure what that means.
# My attempt based on my reading many posts here.

my $length = ( stat($file) )[10];
my $image  = do {
    local $/ = undef;
    print "Content-type: image/$ext\n";
    print "Content-length: $length \n\n";
    binmode STDOUT;
    open( FH, "<", $file ) || die "Could not find $file: $!";
    my $buffer = "";
    while ( read( FH, $buffer, 10240 ) ) {
        print $buffer;

As you can see, my attempt here is obviously a beginners.

I have found great advice here in stack overflow. I thank everyone past and present.

like image 600
Jim_Bo Avatar asked Sep 30 '09 19:09


4 Answers

  1. If you're going to use extension as a substitute for MIME-type, then you'd better name all your JPEG images .jpeg and not .jpg! File::MMagic or File::MimeInfo would make better general-purpose solutions.
  2. (stat $file)[10] isn't the content-length, it's the ctime, which is worthless to you. (stat $file)[7] works, but -s $file works just as well and it's obvious to any Perl programmer what it does without having to consult the stat manual. (2a: use -s on the filehandle once you open it instead of the filename to avoid racing against file replacement.)
  3. I can access any file on the filesystem that's readable by the user the CGI runs as, e.g. image.pl?image=../../../../../../../etc/passwd. I'd suggest specifically mentioning the images directory so that you're not dependent on the getcwd, and using File::Spec->no_upwards and File::Spec->catfile to build a pathname that can only be inside the images directory.
  4. It's not really good form for a CGI to die if it's avoidable. If the file isn't found, return a 404 status. If the request is illegal, return a 400 or 403 status, etc.
  5. Your URLs would be nicer if you used path_info to allow image.pl/foo.png instead of image.pl?img=foo.png.
  6. Unless you add some more logic, the images you serve up won't be cached by the client.
  7. Man, these are stacking up. Have you considered finding some code that's already written for the purpose instead of writing your own?
like image 200
hobbs Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11


Have a look at the way it is done in Apachegallery


It's using Imlib2 and it is quite efficient, including advanced features as resizing and rotate on the fly and using a shared disk cache.

like image 36
kriss Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11


I think you're missing something here:

my @img = $query->param;
if ( $_ eq "img" ) { my $file = $query->param($_); }
if ( $_ ne "img" ) {    ## error }

$_ is uninitialized. I think you wanted to say:

my @img = $query->param;
foreach (@img) {
  if ( $_ eq "img" ) { my $file = $query->param($_); }
  if ( $_ ne "img" ) {    ##  error }

or for better readability and maintainability

my @img = $query->param;
foreach my $param (@img) {
  if ( $param eq "img" ) { my $file = $query->param($param); }
  if ( $param ne "img" ) {    ## error }

For another thing, you probably want to use

( stat($file) )[7];

and not

( stat($file) )[10];

to get the length of a file. (stat $file)[10] will give you the file's change time.

like image 1
mob Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11


The simplest way to serve an image is by using the file handling that is probably already included in your webserver.

You can also add authentication by using an .htaccess file (if you're using Apache).

like image 1
Peter Stuifzand Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11

Peter Stuifzand