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how do I select records that are like some string for any column in a table?

I know that I can search for a term in one column in a table in t-sql by using like %termToFind%. And I know I can get all columns in a table with this:


How can I perform a like comprparison on each of the columns of a table? I have a very large table so I can't just spell out LIKE for each column.

like image 893
bernie2436 Avatar asked Aug 30 '13 12:08


1 Answers

As always, I'll suggest xml for this (I'd suggest JSON if SQL Server had native support for it :) ). You can try to use this query, though it could perform not so well on large number of rows:

;with cte as (
        (select t.* for xml raw('data'), type) as data
    from test as t
select *
from cte
where data.exist('data/@*[local-name() != "id" and contains(., sql:variable("@search"))]') = 1

see sql fiddle demo for more detailed example.

Important note by Alexander Fedorenko in comments: it should be understood that contains function is case-sensitive and uses xQuery default Unicode code point collation for the string comparison.

More general way would be to use dynamic SQL solution:

declare @search nvarchar(max)
declare @stmt nvarchar(max)

select @stmt = isnull(@stmt + ' or ', '') + quotename(name) + ' like @search'
from sys.columns as c
where c.[object_id] = object_id('dbo.test')
-- also possible
-- select @stmt = isnull(@stmt + ' or ', '') + quotename(column_name) + ' like @search'
-- where TABLE_NAME = 'test'

select @stmt = 'select * from test where ' + @stmt

exec sp_executesql
    @stmt = @stmt,
    @params = N'@search nvarchar(max)',
    @search = @search

sql fiddle demo

like image 108
Roman Pekar Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 09:09

Roman Pekar