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How do I select an entire row which has the largest ID in the table?




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How do I find the max row id in SQL?

SELECT * FROM permlog WHERE id = ( SELECT MAX(id) FROM permlog ) ; This would return all rows with highest id , in case id column is not constrained to be unique.

How do I select a row id in SQL?

If employee_id is an IDENTITY column and you are sure that rows aren't manually inserted out of order, you should be able to use this variation of your query to select the data in sequence, newest first: SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY EMPLOYEE_ID DESC) AS ID, EMPLOYEE_ID, EMPLOYEE_NAME FROM dbo.

How do you find the highest value in a table?

To find the max value of a column, use the MAX() aggregate function; it takes as its argument the name of the column for which you want to find the maximum value. If you have not specified any other columns in the SELECT clause, the maximum will be calculated for all records in the table.

How do I select the highest number in MySQL?

You can use ORDER BY clause or aggregate function MAX() to select the maximum value.

You could use a subselect:

FROM table 
WHERE id=(
    SELECT max(id) FROM table

Note that if the value of max(id) is not unique, multiple rows are returned.

If you only want one such row, use @MichaelMior's answer,

SELECT row from table ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1

You could also do


This will sort rows by their ID in descending order and return the first row. This is the same as returning the row with the maximum ID. This of course assumes that id is unique among all rows. Otherwise there could be multiple rows with the maximum value for id and you'll only get one.

FROM table 

You can not give order by because order by does a "full scan" on a table.

The following query is better:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table);

One can always go for analytical functions as well which will give you more control

select tmp.row from ( select row, rank() over(partition by id order by id desc ) as rnk from table) tmp where tmp.rnk=1

If you face issue with rank() function depending on the type of data then one can choose from row_number() or dense_rank() too.