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How do I see the extensions loaded by PHP?

People also ask

How do I see PHP extensions?

If your server only has a single PHP version installed, you can run this PHP command anywhere, and it will give you the same list of modules. The general command we will be using is php -m. This command will give you the full list of installed PHP modules/extensions.

How do I view PHP libraries?

The general command is php -m , which will show you a list of all “compiled” PHP modules. You can search for a specific PHP module for instance php-ftp , using the grep command.


php -m
will give you all the modules, and
php -i
will give you a lot more detailed information on what the current configuration.

Run command. You will get installed extentions:

php -r "print_r(get_loaded_extensions());"

Or run this command to get all module install and uninstall with version

dpkg -l | grep php5

You want to run:

 php -m 

on the command line,

or if you have access to the server configuration file open


and look at all the the extensions,

you can even enable or disable them by switching between On and Off like this

<Extension_name> = <[On | Off]>

use get_loaded_extensions() PHP function

      echo "<pre>";
      echo "<pre/>";

If you want to test if a particular extension is loaded you can also use the extension_loaded function, see documentation here

php -r "var_dump(extension_loaded('json'));"