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How do I search for special characters in Clojure?

Clojure uses a number of special characters such as

  • ^String
  • #(xyz ...)
  • %&
  • #_(some form here)
  • >!

and many more. How can I search for documentation for these special characters, given that Google et al mostly ignore special characters in web pages and search strings?

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Alan Thompson Avatar asked May 22 '18 04:05

Alan Thompson

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2 Answers

This question and others have raised an important topic: it can often be difficult and frustrating to find documentation on special characters used in Clojure source code.

The first place to look is the Clojure docs themselves. There is even a special page devoted to this topic:

  • https://clojure.org/guides/weird_characters

Many of the special characters are known as Reader Literals, which also have a documentation page:

  • https://clojure.org/reference/reader

You can also find hints regarding special chars & their usage on:

  • The Clojure CheatSheet
  • ClojureDocs.org
  • Clojure-Doc.org

Finally, the search engine SymbolHound.com can search for special symbols that Google & others ignore. For example, consider this Clojure code:

(defn lines
  "Given an open reader, return a lazy sequence of lines"
  [^java.io.BufferedReader reader]
  (take-while identity (repeatedly #(.readLine reader))))

How could we search for the meaning of ^java.io.BufferedReader on the 3rd line? If we go to SymbolHound and use the search string clojure ^ we get back:

270 results found for clojure ^

  • What are the usages for ^ and how can I get more information on it?
  • Clojure syntax question re: #^
  • How do I dynamically find metadata for a Clojure function?

and many more answers.

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Alan Thompson Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Alan Thompson

They're all described here:


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ClojureMostly Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10
