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How do I retrieve the service principal password after creation using the azure cli?

When I create a service principal using the az cli tool like such

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <name>

I get all the information printed

  "appId": "...",
  "displayName": "...",
  "name": "...",
  "password": "...",
  "tenant": "..."

That is all good, but how do I retrieve that information at a later point? Using

az ad sp list --display-name <name>

does give me almost what I want, but I'm missing the password. How do I retrieve the password without resetting it?

like image 914
Tomas Jansson Avatar asked Mar 04 '20 22:03

Tomas Jansson

2 Answers

To get a password you can run this command instead

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $NAME --query password -o tsv

And If you would like to get objectId or appId

You could run this command

# objectId
az ad sp list --display-name $NAME --query [].objectId -o tsv

# appId
az ad sp list --display-name $NAME --query [].appId -o tsv
like image 196
elderboy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10


How do I retrieve the password without reseting it?

In short, impossible.

When you use commond az ad sp create-for-rbac to create a service principal, output for a service principal with password authentication includes the password key. Make sure you copy this value - it can't be retrieved. If you forget the password, reset the service principal credentials.

As of Azure CLI 2.0.68, the --password parameter to create a service principal with a user-defined password is no longer supported to prevent the accidental use of weak passwords.

When use az ad sp show --id xxxxx to get the details of a service principal. (autogenerated) The passwordCredentials is always null, so, the password could only retrieve when created.

enter image description here

like image 43
Joey Cai Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Joey Cai