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How do I resolve '@echo' is not a recognized command


I've implemented Scott Hanselman's method for keeping up with a dev/qa/prod version of web.config: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/CommentView.aspx?guid=93bfa4b3-44cd-4681-b70e-f4a2b0386466

For some reason when I compile my project I get this error message in my output window.
Any ideas?

------ Build started: Project: ABC.Flims.Web, Configuration: Development Any CPU ------ "C:\Projects\ballyhoo-trunk\src\ABC.Flims.Web\scripts/copyifnewer.bat" "C:\Projects\ballyhoo-trunk\src\ABC.Flims.Web\web.config.Development" "C:\Projects\ballyhoo-trunk\src\ABC.Flims.Web\web.config" '@echo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.   

Here is the script file:

@echo off echo Comparing two files: %1 with %2  if not exist %1 goto File1NotFound if not exist %2 goto File2NotFound  fc %1 %2  if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO NoCopy  echo Files are not the same.  Copying %1 over %2 copy %1 %2 /y & goto END  :NoCopy echo Files are the same.  Did nothing goto END  :File1NotFound echo %1 not found. goto END  :File2NotFound copy %1 %2 /y goto END  :END echo Done. 
like image 212
Mike Roosa Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 16:12

Mike Roosa

People also ask

How do I enable echo in CMD?

To display the command prompt, type echo on. If used in a batch file, echo on and echo off don't affect the setting at the command prompt. To prevent echoing a particular command in a batch file, insert an @ sign in front of the command.

What does echo off command do?

The ECHO-ON and ECHO-OFF commands are used to enable and disable the echoing, or displaying on the screen, of characters entered at the keyboard. If echoing is disabled, input will not appear on the terminal screen as it is typed. By default, echoing is enabled.

What is echo dot in CMD?

It is used to get the ECHO statement to output a blank line. In accordance with its design, the ECHO issued blank or with just white space after the command text, outputs the current 'echo' status, that is ON or OFF. To support the outputting of blank lines a dot is commonly appended to the command, as in ... echo.

2 Answers

The file is probably Unicode encoded and has a Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the start that is throwing off the batch processor.

Save it as an ASCII file and you should be OK. You can do this in notepad - select Save As... from the File menu and ensure that the Encoding dropdown is set to ANSI.

like image 150
Oded Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10


Stumbled upon a similar issue. Found that within visual studio, if you open your *.bat file, you can choose File -> Advanced Save Options. From the drop-down menu under encoding, select 'US-ASCII - Codepage 20127'

like image 39
StephanJW Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
