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How do I render Tamil unicode in Android


So my problem is that I have a XML Tamil (unicode) feed, I want to take this and display it in an Android application.

When I attempt to do this, due to Android not having native support for Tamil, a custom font must be used.

But then the issue comes up cause the rendering in unicode is completely different. How do I solve this?

like image 835
Hades Avatar asked Dec 13 '11 08:12


People also ask

Is Bamini a Unicode font?

This Font Converter supports to convert the fonts into Bamini to Unicode. This Font Converter is very easy and simple to use. The user requires to choose the source font to target font on the main menu. Then, the user needs to pastes the source text into the text box and press the convert button for the conversion.

2 Answers

How I solved this is,

I first mapped the unicode to to the font Bamini with the help of http://www.ucsc.cmb.ac.lk/ltrl/services/feconverter/.

Then it was a matter of just replacing the unicode character with the Bamini character. I send the text into that function and display it using the Bamini font.

    public static String initialize(String text) {

    text = text.replace("ஸ்ரீ", "=");
    text = text.replace(",", ">");
    text = text.replace("ஜௌ", "n[s");
    text = text.replace("ஜோ", "N[h");
    text = text.replace("ஜொ", "n[h");
    text = text.replace("ஜா", "[h");
    text = text.replace("ஜி", "[p");
    text = text.replace("ஜீ", "[P");
    text = text.replace("ஜு", "[{");
    text = text.replace("ஜூ", "[_");
    text = text.replace("ஜெ", "n[");
    text = text.replace("ஜே", "N[");
    text = text.replace("ஜை", "i[");
    text = text.replace("ஜ்", "[;");
    text = text.replace("ஜ", "[");
    text = text.replace("கௌ", "nfs");
    text = text.replace("கோ", "Nfh");
    text = text.replace("கொ", "nfh");
    text = text.replace("கா", "fh");
    text = text.replace("கி", "fp");
    text = text.replace("கீ", "fP");
    text = text.replace("கு", "F");
    text = text.replace("கூ", "$");
    text = text.replace("கெ", "nf");
    text = text.replace("கே", "Nf");
    text = text.replace("கை", "if");
    text = text.replace("க்", "f;");
    text = text.replace("க", "f");
    text = text.replace("ஙௌ", "nqs");
    text = text.replace("ஙோ", "Nqh");
    text = text.replace("ஙொ", "nqh");
    text = text.replace("ஙா", "qh");
    text = text.replace("ஙி", "qp");
    text = text.replace("ஙீ", "qP");
    text = text.replace("ஙு", "*");
    text = text.replace("ஙூ", "*");
    text = text.replace("ஙெ", "nq");
    text = text.replace("ஙே", "Nq");
    text = text.replace("ஙை", "iq");
    text = text.replace("ங்", "q;");
    text = text.replace("ங", "q");
    text = text.replace("சௌ", "nrs");
    text = text.replace("சோ", "Nrh");
    text = text.replace("சொ", "nrh");
    text = text.replace("சா", "rh");
    text = text.replace("சி", "rp");
    text = text.replace("சீ", "rP");
    text = text.replace("சு", "R");
    text = text.replace("சூ", "R+");
    text = text.replace("செ", "nr");
    text = text.replace("சே", "Nr");
    text = text.replace("சை", "ir");
    text = text.replace("ச்", "r;");
    text = text.replace("ச", "r");
    text = text.replace("ஞௌ", "nQs");
    text = text.replace("ஞோ", "NQh");
    text = text.replace("ஞொ", "nQh");
    text = text.replace("ஞா", "Qh");
    text = text.replace("ஞி", "Qp");
    text = text.replace("ஞீ", "QP");
    text = text.replace("ஞு", "*");
    text = text.replace("ஞூ", "*");
    text = text.replace("ஞெ", "nQ");
    text = text.replace("ஞே", "NQ");
    text = text.replace("ஞை", "iQ");
    text = text.replace("ஞ்", "Q;");
    text = text.replace("ஞ", "Q");
    text = text.replace("டௌ", "nls");
    text = text.replace("டோ", "Nlh");
    text = text.replace("டொ", "nlh");
    text = text.replace("டா", "lh");
    text = text.replace("டி", "b");
    text = text.replace("டீ", "B");
    text = text.replace("டு", "L");
    text = text.replace("டூ", "^");
    text = text.replace("டெ", "nl");
    text = text.replace("டே", "Nl");
    text = text.replace("டை", "il");
    text = text.replace("ட்", "l;");
    text = text.replace("ட", "l");
    text = text.replace("ணௌ", "nzs");
    text = text.replace("ணோ", "Nzh");
    text = text.replace("ணொ", "nzh");
    text = text.replace("ணா", "zh");
    text = text.replace("ணி", "zp");
    text = text.replace("ணீ", "zP");
    text = text.replace("ணு", "Z");
    text = text.replace("ணூ", "Z}");
    text = text.replace("ணெ", "nz");
    text = text.replace("ணே", "Nz");
    text = text.replace("ணை", "iz");
    text = text.replace("ண்", "z;");
    text = text.replace("ண", "z");
    text = text.replace("தௌ", "njs");
    text = text.replace("தோ", "Njh");
    text = text.replace("தொ", "njh");
    text = text.replace("தா", "jh");
    text = text.replace("தி", "jp");
    text = text.replace("தீ", "jP");
    text = text.replace("து", "J");
    text = text.replace("தூ", "J}");
    text = text.replace("தெ", "nj");
    text = text.replace("தே", "Nj");
    text = text.replace("தை", "ij");
    text = text.replace("த்", "j;");
    text = text.replace("த", "j");
    text = text.replace("நௌ", "nes");
    text = text.replace("நோ", "Neh");
    text = text.replace("நொ", "neh");
    text = text.replace("நா", "eh");
    text = text.replace("நி", "ep");
    text = text.replace("நீ", "eP");
    text = text.replace("நு", "E");
    text = text.replace("நூ", "E}");
    text = text.replace("நெ", "ne");
    text = text.replace("நே", "Ne");
    text = text.replace("நை", "ie");
    text = text.replace("ந்", "e;");
    text = text.replace("ந", "e");
    text = text.replace("னௌ", "nds");
    text = text.replace("னோ", "Ndh");
    text = text.replace("னொ", "ndh");
    text = text.replace("னா", "dh");
    text = text.replace("னி", "dp");
    text = text.replace("னீ", "dP");
    text = text.replace("னு", "D");
    text = text.replace("னூ", "D}");
    text = text.replace("னெ", "nd");
    text = text.replace("னே", "Nd");
    text = text.replace("னை", "id");
    text = text.replace("ன்", "d;");
    text = text.replace("ன", "d");
    text = text.replace("பௌ", "ngs");
    text = text.replace("போ", "Ngh");
    text = text.replace("பொ", "ngh");
    text = text.replace("பா", "gh");
    text = text.replace("பி", "gp");
    text = text.replace("பீ", "gP");
    text = text.replace("பு", "G");
    text = text.replace("பூ", "G+");
    text = text.replace("பெ", "ng");
    text = text.replace("பே", "Ng");
    text = text.replace("பை", "ig");
    text = text.replace("ப்", "g;");
    text = text.replace("ப", "g");
    text = text.replace("மௌ", "nks");
    text = text.replace("மோ", "Nkh");
    text = text.replace("மொ", "nkh");
    text = text.replace("மா", "kh");
    text = text.replace("மி", "kp");
    text = text.replace("மீ", "kP");
    text = text.replace("மு", "K");
    text = text.replace("மூ", "%");
    text = text.replace("மெ", "nk");
    text = text.replace("மே", "Nk");
    text = text.replace("மை", "ik");
    text = text.replace("ம்", "k;");
    text = text.replace("ம", "k");
    text = text.replace("யௌ", "nas");
    text = text.replace("யோ", "Nah");
    text = text.replace("யொ", "nah");
    text = text.replace("யா", "ah");
    text = text.replace("யி", "ap");
    text = text.replace("யீ", "aP");
    text = text.replace("யு", "A");
    text = text.replace("யூ", "A+");
    text = text.replace("யெ", "na");
    text = text.replace("யே", "Na");
    text = text.replace("யை", "ia");
    text = text.replace("ய்", "a;");
    text = text.replace("ய", "a");
    text = text.replace("ரௌ", "nus");
    text = text.replace("ரோ", "Nuh");
    text = text.replace("ரொ", "nuh");
    text = text.replace("ரா", "uh");
    text = text.replace("ரி", "up");
    text = text.replace("ரீ", "uP");
    text = text.replace("ரு", "U");
    text = text.replace("ரூ", "&");
    text = text.replace("ரெ", "nu");
    text = text.replace("ரே", "Nu");
    text = text.replace("ரை", "iu");
    text = text.replace("ர்", "u;");
    text = text.replace("ர", "u");
    text = text.replace("லௌ", "nys");
    text = text.replace("லோ", "Nyh");
    text = text.replace("லொ", "nyh");
    text = text.replace("லா", "yh");
    text = text.replace("லி", "yp");
    text = text.replace("லீ", "yP");
    text = text.replace("லு", "Y");
    text = text.replace("லூ", "Y}");
    text = text.replace("லெ", "ny");
    text = text.replace("லே", "Ny");
    text = text.replace("லை", "iy");
    text = text.replace("ல்", "y;");
    text = text.replace("ல", "y");
    text = text.replace("ளௌ", "nss");
    text = text.replace("ளோ", "Nsh");
    text = text.replace("ளொ", "nsh");
    text = text.replace("ளா", "sh");
    text = text.replace("ளி", "sp");
    text = text.replace("ளீ", "sP");
    text = text.replace("ளு", "S");
    text = text.replace("ளூ", "Sh");
    text = text.replace("ளெ", "ns");
    text = text.replace("ளே", "Ns");
    text = text.replace("ளை", "is");
    text = text.replace("ள்", "s;");
    text = text.replace("ள", "s");
    text = text.replace("வௌ", "nts");
    text = text.replace("வோ", "Nth");
    text = text.replace("வொ", "nth");
    text = text.replace("வா", "th");
    text = text.replace("வி", "tp");
    text = text.replace("வீ", "tP");
    text = text.replace("வு", "T");
    text = text.replace("வூ", "T+");
    text = text.replace("வெ", "nt");
    text = text.replace("வே", "Nt");
    text = text.replace("வை", "it");
    text = text.replace("வ்", "t;");
    text = text.replace("வ", "t");
    text = text.replace("ழௌ", "nos");
    text = text.replace("ழோ", "Noh");
    text = text.replace("ழொ", "noh");
    text = text.replace("ழா", "oh");
    text = text.replace("ழி", "op");
    text = text.replace("ழீ", "oP");
    text = text.replace("ழு", "O");
    text = text.replace("ழூ", "*");
    text = text.replace("ழெ", "no");
    text = text.replace("ழே", "No");
    text = text.replace("ழை", "io");
    text = text.replace("ழ்", "o;");
    text = text.replace("ழ", "o");
    text = text.replace("றௌ", "nws");
    text = text.replace("றோ", "Nwh");
    text = text.replace("றொ", "nwh");
    text = text.replace("றா", "wh");
    text = text.replace("றி", "wp");
    text = text.replace("றீ", "wP");
    text = text.replace("று", "W");
    text = text.replace("றூ", "W}");
    text = text.replace("றெ", "nw");
    text = text.replace("றே", "Nw");
    text = text.replace("றை", "iw");
    text = text.replace("ற்", "w;");
    text = text.replace("ற", "w");
    text = text.replace("ஹௌ", "n`s");
    text = text.replace("ஹோ", "N`h");
    text = text.replace("ஹொ", "n`h");
    text = text.replace("ஹா", "`h");
    text = text.replace("ஹி", "`p");
    text = text.replace("ஹீ", "`P");
    text = text.replace("ஹு", "{`");
    text = text.replace("ஹூ", "`_");
    text = text.replace("ஹெ", "n`");
    text = text.replace("ஹே", "N`");
    text = text.replace("ஹை", "i`");
    text = text.replace("ஹ்", "`;");
    text = text.replace("ஹ", "`");
    text = text.replace("ஷௌ", "n\\s");
    text = text.replace("ஷோ", "N\\h");
    text = text.replace("ஷொ", "n\\h");
    text = text.replace("ஷா", "\\h");
    text = text.replace("ஷி", "\\p");
    text = text.replace("ஷீ", "\\P");
    text = text.replace("ஷு", "\\{");
    text = text.replace("ஷூ", "\\_");
    text = text.replace("ஷெ", "n\\");
    text = text.replace("ஷே", "N\\");
    text = text.replace("ஷை", "i\\");
    text = text.replace("ஷ்", "\\;");
    text = text.replace('ஷ', '\\');
    text = text.replace("ஸௌ", "n]s");
    text = text.replace("ஸோ", "N]h");
    text = text.replace("ஸொ", "n]h");
    text = text.replace("ஸா", "]h");
    text = text.replace("ஸி", "]p");
    text = text.replace("ஸீ", "]P");
    text = text.replace("ஸு", "]{");
    text = text.replace("ஸூ", "]_");
    text = text.replace("ஸெ", "n]");
    text = text.replace("ஸே", "N]");
    text = text.replace("ஸை", "i]");
    text = text.replace("ஸ்", "];");
    text = text.replace("ஸ", "]");
    text = text.replace("அ", "m");
    text = text.replace("ஆ", "M");
    text = text.replace("இ", "๳");
    text = text.replace("ஈ", "<");
    text = text.replace("உ", "c");
    text = text.replace("ஊ", "C");
    text = text.replace("எ", "v");
    text = text.replace("ஏ", "V");
    text = text.replace("ஐ", "I");
    text = text.replace("ஒ", "x");
    text = text.replace("ஓ", "X");
    text = text.replace("ஔ", "xs");

    return text = text.replace("ஃ", "/");
like image 120
Hades Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09


The problem when using Bamini is that it won't let you mix up Tamil and English strings together. It'll convert everything to Tamil. As the result, English strings will look ridiculous.

For an Example if you say என் பேர் மயூரேசன் (Mayooresan), it'll be converted as என் பேர் மயூரேசன் (அயலழழசநளயn)

So I would recomend you to use TSCII, TAB or TAM fonts.

If you like to convert dynamically I would encourage you to check out the free library I wrote to convert encoding dynamically. Once you import the library all you have to do is just this.

// Initialise the Typeface (assumes TSCII, Bamini, Anjal, TAB or TAM font located inside assets/fonts folder)
Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"fonts/mylai.ttf");
// Initialises the TextView
TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView1);
//Setting the Typeface
//Magic happens here ;) encoding conversion
String TSCIIString = TamilUtil.convertToTamil(TamilUtil.TSCII, "வணக்கம் அன்ரொயிட்");
//Setting the new string to TextView

You can read more on this topic at my answer here

like image 30
Jay Mayu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Jay Mayu