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How do I render sibling elements without wrapping them in a parent tag?



In most cases, having a parent tag isn't an issue.

React.createClass({     render: function() {         return (             <tbody>                 <tr><td>Item 1</td></tr>                 <tr><td>Item 2</td></tr>             </tbody>         );     } }); 

But there are some cases where it makes sense to have sibling elements in one render function without a parent, and especially in the case of a table, you don't want to wrap a table row in a div.

React.createClass({     render: function() {         return (             <tr><td>Item 1</td></tr>             <tr><td>Item 2</td></tr>         );     } }); 

The second example gives the following error: Adjacent XJS elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag while parsing file.

How can I render two sibling elements without wrapping them in a <div> or something similar?

like image 614
thealexbaron Avatar asked Feb 06 '15 17:02


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1 Answers

This is a limitation currently, but will likely be fixed at some point in the future (there's some open issues on the github repo).

For now, you can use a function which returns an array (this is basically a stateless component):

function things(arg, onWhatever){     return [         <tr><td>Item 1</td></tr>,         <tr><td>Item 2</td></tr>     ]; } 

And use that in your component.

return (     <table><tbody>       {things(arg1, this.handleWhatever)}       {things(arg2, this.handleWhatever)}     </tbody></table> ); 


In React 16 you will be able to return an array from render.

Another Update

You can now either return a top level array, or use <React.Fragment>.

With an array we need to place a key on each item, as React doesn't know that the two elements are constant, instead of a dynamically created list:

function RowPair() {   return [     <tr key="first"><td>First</td></tr>,     <tr key="second"><td>Second</td></tr>,   ] } 

With React.Fragment, it behaves much more like wrapping it in a <div> or similar, where a key isn't required if we're not building the children dynamically. First, we can wrap the array in a Fragment:

function RowPair() {   return <React.Fragment>{[     <tr key="first"><td>First</td></tr>,     <tr key="second"><td>Second</td></tr>,   ]}</React.Fragment> } 

And then we can eliminate the array and keys entirely:

function RowPair() {   return <React.Fragment>     <tr><td>First</td></tr>     <tr><td>Second</td></tr>   </React.Fragment> } 
like image 144
Brigand Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10
