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How do I remove an array inside an array in mongoDB?




I need to remove an array that is inside another, found only query's to delete an array element (without him being inside another).

How do I delete a specific element (the ID) of the array what's inside this array? What's wrong with my query I get error?

There is a better way to solve this? Without being an array within an array


    "_id" : "8d127e9ca7178f900dc4953725188da9",
    "dataCriacao" : "2015-05-11T09:10:56.251-0300",
    "pecas" : [ 
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                    "horario" : "2015-05-11T09:11:55.418-0300"
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                    "horario" : "2015-05-11T09:12:11.124-0300"
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                    "comentario" : "teste comentario2",
                    "horario" : "2015-05-11T09:12:11.140-0300"
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            "path" : null,
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            "pathOriginal" : "1401 Pecas Midia Grafica_v2/Whirlpool_LinhaBranca_Positivo_DeskMedia_Widget_-.jpg",
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            "pathOriginal" : "1401 Pecas Midia Grafica_v2/Whirlpool_LinhaBranca_BuscaDescontos_Homepage_Cupom_-.jpg",
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            "pathOriginal" : "1401 Pecas Midia Grafica_v2/Whirlpool_LinhaBranca_Positivo_DeskMedia_Widget.jpg",
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            "pathOriginal" : "1401 Pecas Midia Grafica_v2/Whirlpool_LinhaBranca_Zoom_Newsletter_Destaque_-.jpg",
            "imagem" : null
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            "path" : null,
            "nome" : "Whirlpool_LinhaBranca_Positivo_CanaisdeAfinidade_Retangulo_-.swf",
            "pathOriginal" : "1401 Pecas Midia Grafica_v2/Whirlpool_LinhaBranca_Positivo_CanaisdeAfinidade_Retangulo_-.swf",
            "imagem" : null
    "validacaoId" : "55509b6dccf2d4a2f3545fcb",
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "instancia" : "sofist",
    "tipo" : "3"

Query 1

    {_id: "8d127e9ca7178f900dc4953725188da9"}, 
        $pull: { "pecas.comentarios": {
            $elemMatch: {id:"c1c586be8ded3d044f96fccc18473cf8"}


cannot use the part (pecas of pecas.comentarios) to traverse the element
like image 630
Daniela Morais Avatar asked Feb 10 '23 04:02

Daniela Morais

1 Answers

Here Is the solution try this,

    {'pecas.comentarios.id': "c1c586be8ded3d044f96fccc18473cf8"}, 
        $pull: { 'pecas.$.comentarios': {

This {'pecas.comentarios.id': "c1c586be8ded3d044f96fccc18473cf8"}, will find the document,

Then $pull will remove that document form the array.

Here are the some other references to the MongoDB Remove functionality


like image 142
Satish Shinde Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 00:02

Satish Shinde