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How do I reload Postgres.app config without restarting?

With a regular postgres install, I would do this either by sending SIGHUP to the postgres process, or by running pg_ctl reload. With Postgres.app, however, I'm unsure about where to send SIGHUP (to the Postgres.app process, or one of the workers?), and attempting to run pg_ctl reload (after tracking it down to /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.3/bin yields only complaints about PG_DATA being unset.

So, how do I reload the configuration files for Postgres.app without restarting the whole server? Is this possible?

like image 981
majackson Avatar asked Sep 09 '15 03:09


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1 Answers

Simplest way: SELECT pg_reload_conf().

like image 83
Craig Ringer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10

Craig Ringer