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How do I release (forced, if necessary) 9-patch (NinePatchDrawable) from memory in Android?



How Do You Force A NinePatchDrawable to release the BitMap bytes it parsed out of 'res'?

As an Android developer I face pressure to control memory utilization in my games.

I work to control memory utilization by releasing resources as quickly as I can after they are no longer used. To this end, I maintain a list of all loaded resources and purge / release them from memory as soon as I am done with them.

My application uses a number of different types of graphical resources

  • BitMap
  • BitMapDrawable
  • Drawable
  • NinePatchDrawable

How do I release these objects right now?

  • BitMap : I use the "recycle()" method
  • BitMapDrawable : I use the "getBitMap().recycle()" method
  • Drawable : I set these to null (not working)
  • NinePatchDrawable : I set these to null (not working)

What have you tried?

  • You cannot "getBitmap()" a NinePatchDrawable
  • You cannot convert a NinePatchDrawable to a BitMapDrawable (even if they are both Bitmap based Drawables)
  • There seems to be a way to parse the PNG yourself, feeding the bytes into NinePathDrawable yourself -- this might get me to a point where I can just "recycle()" the underlying BitMap myself, but that seems like I'm reinventing the wheel (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=13542)

My Current Rules:

  • Never use @drawable/ in XML
  • Never android:background in XML
  • Never android:src in XML
like image 761
Cory Trese Avatar asked Jun 13 '11 18:06

Cory Trese

1 Answers

To be able to use: @drawable/, android:background, android:src in xml, you can always use custom classes.

So instead of <ImageView android:src="@drawable/bg" /> you can use: <com.myPackage.CustomImageView android:src="@drawable/bg" />

Than in the CustomImageView in the constructor you can get the references to your xml attributes:

private Drawable bg2;
private Drawable bg1;
public void CustomImageView(Context context, Attrs attrs)
    super(context, attrs);

    // Use this to get references to your xml attributes
    int resourceId = attrs.getAttributeResourceValue("android", "src", 0);
    bg1 = getResources().getDrawable(resourceId);

    // Or for the 'background' attribute
    resourceid = attrs.getAttributeResourceValue("android", "background", 0);
    bg2 = getResources().getDrawable(resourceId);

    // Now you can recycle() your 'bg' whenever you're done

This way, you can extract references from your xml. And recycle() them when you think it's appropriate

like image 152
Entreco Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
