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How do I reference android:gravity values in a resource file?

I have a layout with a TextView and I want the android:gravity attribute value to be pulled from another resource file, android:gravity="@???/item_align", where item_align is the name of a resource in another xml file. The typical values used in a layout, center or bottom or bottom|center_horizontal don't work. What type goes in the @???, integer works, if I replace the strings with the actual integer value ("center" replaced with 0x011). But, that's not a good solution.

So, the question(s): How do I refer to the value in the layout file, and what does the item look like in the resource file?

   android:textColor="#000000" />
like image 691
Craig Avatar asked Jan 28 '13 21:01


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What is the use of android gravity attribute?

So in general android:layout_gravity attribute is used by child views to tell their parent how they want to be placed inside it, while android:gravity is used by the parent layout to tell the child views how they should be placed inside it.

What is gravity in android XML?

Gravity and layout_gravity both are the XML attributes. The android:gravity attribute is used to arrange the position of the content inside a view (for example text inside a Button widget). The android:layout_gravity is used to arrange the position of the entire View relative to it's container.

1 Answers

In order not to break the standard constants and avoid highlighting in red in Android Studio, you can create two styles (in styles.xml) in the /values and /values-sw600dp folder


 <style name = "AppContainerLayout">
     <item name = "android:gravity">top|start</item>


<style name = "AppContainerLayout">
    <item name = "android:gravity">center</item>

And just use in layout

             style = "@ style/AppContainerLayout"
             android:layout_width = "match_parent"
             android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
             android:orientation = "vertical">

             // childs
like image 84
Zakhar Rodionov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Zakhar Rodionov