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How do I reduce the memory footprint with large datasets in EF5?

I'm trying to pull a large-ish dataset (1.4 million records) from a SQL Server and dump to a file in a WinForms application. I've attempted to do it with paging, so that I'm not holding too much in memory at once, but the process continues to grow it's memory footprint as it runs. About 25% through, it was taking up 600,000K. Am I doing the paging wrong? Can I get some suggestions on how to keep the memory usage from growing so much?

var query = (from organizations in ctxObj.Organizations
                 where organizations.org_type_cd == 1
                 orderby organizations.org_ID
                 select organizations);
int recordCount = query.Count();
int skipTo = 0;
int take = 1000;
if (recordCount > 0)
    while (skipTo < recordCount)
        if (skipTo + take > recordCount) 
            take = recordCount - skipTo;

        foreach (Organization o in query.Skip(skipTo).Take(take))
        skipTo += take;
like image 513
Homr Zodyssey Avatar asked Nov 06 '13 16:11

Homr Zodyssey

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1 Answers

The object context will keep on objects in memory until it's disposed. I would recommend disposing the context after each batch to prevent the memory footprint from continuing to grow.

You can also use AsNoTracking() (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg679352(v=vs.103).aspx) since you are not saving back to the database.

like image 99
mayabelle Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
