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How do I recover a deleted item from Visual Studio 2010? [closed]


I've just deleted a file from Visual Studio 2010. Could someone help me with step-by-step instructions, i.e. press file, then -something-, then recover?

like image 631
user605596 Avatar asked Nov 10 '11 08:11


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You can also specify if you want to restore modified files if Visual Studio shuts down unexpectedly. To access this dialog box, go to Tools > Options > Environment > AutoRecover.

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Go to Source Contror in the left side of visual studio code editor and click on it , you will see the deleted files , mouse hover on file and click on Discard Change. Your file will restore .

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You can find recycle bin from project level: Boards - Work items and Artifacts using New Navigation(Account - Preview Features - New Navigation - on), See screenshot below.

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You can confirm the backup folder in C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\BackupFiles and C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Backup Files . If there are not files in them, I'm afraid that you need to recreate them.

1 Answers

I just added *.cs file to my project and deleted...this file appeared in Recycle Bin, so try to find that file there.

Good luck.

like image 189
Renatas M. Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 09:10

Renatas M.