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How do I reattach to a detached mosh session?



People also ask

How do I start a mosh server?

The mosh command is a wrapper script that is designed to be the primary way that you use mosh. In most cases, you can simply just replace "ssh" with "mosh" in your command line. Behind the scenes, the mosh wrapper script will SSH to the server, start up mosh-server , and then close the SSH connection.

For security reasons, you can not reattach, see https://github.com/keithw/mosh/issues/394

To kill the detached session, use the PID number displayed in that message (that's the 'XXXX' part.) For example, if you see --

Mosh: You have a detached Mosh session on this server (mosh [12345]).

And can run this command:

kill 12345

Also, to close all mosh connections you can:

kill `pidof mosh-server`

Note that if you are currently connected via mosh, this last command will also disconnect you.

To my amazement, I used CRIU (https://criu.org) to checkpoint and restart a mosh client and it worked.


Find your mosh-client's PID:

$ ps -ef | grep mosh

Then, install CRIU according to their instructions.

Then, checkpoint it like this:

$ mkdir checkpoint

$ sudo ./criu dump -D checkpoint -t PID --shell-job

Then, restore it:

$ sudo ./criu restore -D checkpoint --shell-job

And, there it is. Your mosh client is back.

One thing to note, however, is that if your laptop reboots (which is the whole point of what we're trying to protect against), mosh uses a monotonic clock to track time on the client side, which doesn't work across reboots. This will NOT work, however, if your laptop just flat out crashes it won't work because mosh sequence numbers will be out of sync with the version that was checkpointed (the binary will resume, but communication will stop).

In order to fix this, you need to tell mosh to stop doing that and download the mosh source code. Then, edit this file:

cd mosh

vim configure.ac

Then, search for GETTIME and comment out that line.

Then do:

autoreconf # or ./autogen.sh if you've just cloned it for the first time



make install

After that, your CRIU-checkpointed mosh client sessions will survive reboots.

(Obviously you'd need to write something to perform the checkpoints regularly enough to be useful. But, that's an exercise for the reader).

I realize this is an old post, but there is a very simple solution to this, as suggested by Keith Winstein, mosh author, here: https://github.com/mobile-shell/mosh/issues/394

"Well, first off, if you want the ability to attach to a session from multiple clients (or after the client dies), you should use screen or tmux. Mosh is a substitute (in some cases) for SSH, not for screen. Many Mosh users use it together with screen and like it that way."

Scenario: I'm logged into a remote server via mosh. I've then run screen and have a process running in the screen session, htop, for example. I lose connection (laptop battery dies, lose network connection, etc.). I connect again via mosh and get that message on the server,

Mosh: You have a detached Mosh session on this server (mosh [XXXX]).

All I have to do is kill the prior mosh session

kill XXXX

and reattach to the screen session, which still exists.

screen -r

Now, htop (or whatever process was running) is back just as it was without interruption.This is especially useful for running upgrades or other processes that would leave the server in a messy, unknown state if suddenly interrupted. I assume you can do the same with tmux, though I have not tried it. I believe this is what Annihilannic and eskhool were suggesting.

As an addition to Varta's answer, I use the following command to close all mosh connections except the current one:

pgrep mosh-server | grep -v $(ps -o ppid --no-headers $$) | xargs kill