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How do I read only part of a column from a Parquet file using Parquet.net?

I am using Parquet.Net to read parquet files, but the only option to read from the parquet file is.

//get the first group
Parquet.ParquetRowGroupReader rowGroup = myParquet.OpenRowGroupReader(0);

//gets the first column
Parquet.Data.DataColumn col1 = rowGroup.ReadColumn(myParquet.Schema.GetDataFields()[0]);

This allows me to get the the first column from the first rowGroup, but the problem is, the first rowGroup can be something like 4million rows and readColumn will read all 4million values.

How do I tell readColumn that I only want it to read, say the first 100 rows. Reading all 4million rows wastes memory and file read time.

I actually got a memory error, until I changed my code to resize that 4million value array down to my 100. After calling each column.

I don't necessarily need row based access, I can work with columns, I just don't need a whole rowGroup worth of values in each column. Is this possible? If row based access is better, how does one use it? The Parquet.Net project site doesn't give any examples, and just talks about tables.

like image 670
Ranald Fong Avatar asked Jul 21 '20 01:07

Ranald Fong

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read. parquet("fs://path/file.parquet").select(...) This will only read the corresponding columns. Indeed, parquet is a columnar storage and it is exactly meant for this type of use case.

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You can use pandas to read snppay. parquet files into a python pandas dataframe.

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32k Limit for Parquet columns - Dremio.

2 Answers

According to the source code this capability exists in DataColumnReader but this is an internal class and thus not directly usable.

ParquetRowGroupReader uses it inside its ReadColumn method, but exposes no such options.

What can be done in practice is copying the whole DataColumnReader class and using it directly, but this could breed future compatibility issues.

If the problem can wait for some time, I'd recommend copying the class and then opening an issue + pull request to the library with the enhanced class, so the copied class can eventually be removed.

like image 122
henry700 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09


If you look at the parquet-dotnet documentation they do not recommend writing more than 5000 records into one row group for performance reasons, though at the bottom of the page they say they are designed to hold 50000 rows on average:

It's not recommended to have more than 5'000 rows in a single row group for performance reasons

We are working with 100000 in a row group with my team, overall it may depend on what you are storing but 4000000 records in one row group inside a column does sounds like too much.

So to answer your question, to read only part of the column make your row groups inside the column smaller and then read only as many row groups as you wish. If you want to only read 100 records, read in the first row group and take first 100 from it, reasonably sized row groups are very fast to read.

like image 23
Martina Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
