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How do I read an encrypted file from disk with R

I have a sensitive data set that should never be stored unencrypted on disk. Can R deal with this or is full disk encryption my only option?

like image 769
orizon Avatar asked Aug 14 '14 22:08


People also ask

How do I view an encrypted file?

Try using the file properties to unlock the file. Go into File Explorer, select Advanced, and clear the Encrypt Contents to Secure Data checkbox. Sometimes this will work to get the file decrypted.

Can I read a encrypted file?

When opening the encrypted file or folder, you need to enter that password or encryption key. Encrypted files and folders can also be decrypted without the use of a password or encryption key, but it requires the use of high-end, sophisticated decryption software.

How do I extract encrypted data?

Right-click on the encrypted file and select Properties. In the General tab, select Advanced. Now, uncheck the Encrypt contents to secure data radio box and click on OK. You'll see another dialog box asking if you want to Apply changes to this folder or Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files.

1 Answers

I have a feeling there's an easier way to do this, but the digest package, which does AES encryption, is the closest thing I came across to what you are asking for. This should get you started.

# write encrypted data frame to file
write.aes <- function(df,filename, key) {
  zz <- textConnection("out","w")
  write.csv(df,zz, row.names=F)
  out <- paste(out,collapse="\n")
  raw <- charToRaw(out)
  raw <- c(raw,as.raw(rep(0,16-length(raw)%%16)))
  aes <- AES(key,mode="ECB")
# read encypted data frame from file
read.aes <- function(filename,key) {
  dat <- readBin(filename,"raw",n=1000)
  aes <- AES(key,mode="ECB")
  raw <- aes$decrypt(dat, raw=TRUE)
  txt <- rawToChar(raw[raw>0])
# sample data
set.seed(1)     # for reproducible example
data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(10),y=rpois(10,1),

key <- as.raw(sample(1:32,32))
result <- read.aes("encrypted.dat",key)  
# did it work?
# [1] TRUE

This uses ECB mode AES encryption. Obviously you need to use the same key to encrypt and decrypt. write.aes(...) converts the data frame to a csv-formatted text string, converts that to raw (which is required for AES), pads the raw vector out to a multiple of 16 bytes (also required for AES), encrypts, and writes to a binary file. read.aes(...) basically reverses the process.

This is just an example, intended to be modified to suit your needs. For instance, this saves the data frame without row names, which might or might not be a problem.

like image 157
jlhoward Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10
