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How do I read a Maven dependency tree




I have servlet-api version 2.5 as provided scope in pom.xml. Here is part of the dependency:tree output of my project. What does "version managed from 2.3; scope managed from compile" mean?

[INFO] +- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1:compile [INFO] |  \- javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5:provided (version managed from 2.3; scope managed from compile) 

Does that mean there is some transitive dependency on version 2.3 on my classpath? My WAR file does not have servlet-api jar at all, but I do use old version of Spring 2.5.4. I suspect the Spring framework depends on servlet-api 2.3.

like image 344
user2982680 Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 10:11


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1 Answers

The message basically means that the version of servlet-api would have transitively been 2.3 (so basically in commons-logging's pom they define servlet-api with version 2.3), but that version 2.5 was specifically asked for in your project, so that is what was used.

Same goes for the scope. In commons-logging's pom it is defined with scope compile, but you have it defined with scope provided, so again that is the scope that was used.

like image 168
DB5 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09