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How do I put a \n into a property file's value?

I'm using Java Property files and would like to have a newline character put into a value (used as the contents of a message to the user), so that this output contains a new line.

I tried putting it in as a \\n (as I have to escape the backslash character), but I just end up with a message with \n written in it.


message=Dear Foo,\\n\\nThank you for signing up for Bar.


Dear Foo,\n\nThank you for signing up for Bar.

I want:

Dear Foo,

Thank you for signing up for Bar.

How can I fix this? Thanks!

like image 207
iank Avatar asked Jun 26 '12 19:06


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1 Answers

Simply use \n for this purpose

You are escaping the escape character using \\ hence you are getting \n printed

like image 71
Nitin Chhajer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Nitin Chhajer