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How Do I Pull Maven Test Jars Using Gradle?


In maven I can specify a "type" for dependency resolution. I am trying to pull down a tests.jar. How can I do this using Gradle?

I have tried using the Gradle Dependency below, but this does not pull down test.jar.

testCompile(group: 'org.apache.hbase', name: 'hbase', version: '0.94.2', type: 'test-jar')

Maven Dependency:


details: Gradle 1.7

I am trying to pull down "hbase-0.94.2-tests.jar" from Maven Central

like image 993
Mike Rylander Avatar asked Nov 26 '13 17:11

Mike Rylander

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1 Answers

Gradle doesn't have a direct equivalent of Maven's <type>, but classifier: 'tests' should work here (instead of type: ...).

like image 187
Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Peter Niederwieser