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How do I protect this function from SQL injection?

public static bool TruncateTable(string dbAlias, string tableName)
    string sqlStatement = string.Format("TRUNCATE TABLE {0}", tableName);
    return ExecuteNonQuery(dbAlias, sqlStatement) > 0;
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dwbanks Avatar asked Dec 07 '09 18:12


People also ask

How can SQL injection be prevented?

How to Prevent an SQL Injection. The only sure way to prevent SQL Injection attacks is input validation and parametrized queries including prepared statements. The application code should never use the input directly.

What protects against SQL injection attacks?

Developers can prevent SQL Injection vulnerabilities in web applications by utilizing parameterized database queries with bound, typed parameters and careful use of parameterized stored procedures in the database. This can be accomplished in a variety of programming languages including Java, . NET, PHP, and more.

What is the best defense of SQL injection?

Character Escaping Character escaping is an effective way of preventing SQL injection. Special characters like “/ — ;” are interpreted by the SQL server as a syntax and can be treated as an SQL injection attack when added as part of the input.

How does an SQL injection attack work and how can we protect against it?

To perform an SQL injection attack, an attacker must locate a vulnerable input in a web application or webpage. When an application or webpage contains a SQL injection vulnerability, it uses user input in the form of an SQL query directly.

7 Answers

The most common recommendation to fight SQL injection is to use an SQL query parameter (several people on this thread have suggested it).

This is the wrong answer in this case. You can't use an SQL query parameter for a table name in a DDL statement.

SQL query parameters can be used only in place of a literal value in an SQL expression. This is standard in every implementation of SQL.

My recommendation for protecting against SQL injection when you have a table name is to validate the input string against a list of known table names.

You can get a list of valid table names from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA:

SELECT table_name 
WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
  AND table_name = @tableName

Now you can pass your input variable to this query as an SQL parameter. If the query returns no rows, you know that the input is not valid to use as a table. If the query returns a row, it matched, so you have more assurance you can use it safely.

You could also validate the table name against a list of specific tables you define as okay for your app to truncate, as @John Buchanan suggests.

Even after validating that tableName exists as a table name in your RDBMS, I would also suggest delimiting the table name, just in case you use table names with spaces or special characters. In Microsoft SQL Server, the default identifier delimiters are square brackets:

string sqlStatement = string.Format("TRUNCATE TABLE [{0}]", tableName);

Now you're only at risk for SQL injection if tableName matches a real table, and you actually use square brackets in the names of your tables!

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Bill Karwin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Bill Karwin

As far as I know, you can't use parameterized queries to perform DDL statements/ specify table names, at least not in Oracle or Sql Server. What I would do, if I had to have a crazy TruncateTable function, that had to be safe from sql injection would be to make a stored procedure that checks that the input is a table that is safe to truncate.

-- Sql Server specific!
CREATE TABLE TruncableTables (TableName varchar(50))
Insert into TruncableTables values ('MyTable')


CREATE PROCEDURE MyTrunc @tableName varchar(50)

declare @IsValidTable int
declare @SqlString nvarchar(50)
select @IsValidTable = Count(*) from TruncableTables where TableName = @tableName

if @IsValidTable > 0
 select @SqlString = 'truncate table ' + @tableName
 EXECUTE sp_executesql @SqlString
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John Buchanan Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

John Buchanan

If you're allowing user-defined input to creep into this function via the tablename variable, I don't think SQL Injection is your only problem.

A better option would be to run this command via its own secure connection and give it no SELECT rights at all. All TRUNCATE needs to run is the ALTER TABLE permission. If you're on SQL 2005 upwards, you could also try using a stored procedure with EXECUTE AS inside.

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MartW Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10


  stmt VARCHAR2(100);
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Chip Dawes Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Chip Dawes

Use a stored procedure. Any decent db library (MS Enterprise Library is what I use) will handle escaping string parameters correctly.

Also, re:parameterized queries: I prefer to NOT have to redeploy my app to fix a db issue. Storing queries as literal strings in your source increases maintenance complexity.

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3Dave Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10


Have a look at this link

Does this code prevent SQL injection?

Remove the unwanted from the tableName string.

I do not think you can use param query for a table name.

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Adriaan Stander Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Adriaan Stander

There are some other posts which will help with the SQL injection, so I'll upvote those, but another thing to consider is how you will be handling permissions for this. If you're granting users db+owner or db_ddladmin roles so that they can truncate tables then simply avoiding standard SQL injection attacks isn't sufficient. A hacker can send in other table names which might be valid, but which you wouldn't want truncated.

If you're giving ALTER TABLE permissions to the users on the specific tables that you will allow to be truncated then you're in a bit better shape, but it's still more than I like to allow in a normal environment.

Usually TRUNCATE TABLE isn't used in normal day-to-day application use. It's used for ETL scenarios or during database maintenance. The only situation where I might imagine it would be used in a front-facing application would be if you allowed users to load a table which is specific for that user for loading purposes, but even then I would probably use a different solution.

Of course, without knowing the specifics around why you're using it, I can't categorically say that you should redesign, but if I got a request for this as a DBA I'd be asking the developer a lot of questions.

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Tom H Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Tom H