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How do I profile memory usage in my project



Are there any good, free tools to profile memory usage in C# ?

I have a visualization project that uses quite large collections. I would like to check which parts of this project - on the data-processing side, or on the visualization side - use most of the memory, so I could optimize it.
I know that when it comes to computing size of the collection the case is quite simple and I can do it on my own. But there are also certain elements for which I cannot estimate the memory usage so easily.
The memory usage is quite big, for example processing a file of size 35 MB my program uses a little bit more than 250 MB of RAM.

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Gacek Avatar asked Apr 13 '10 11:04


1 Answers

I've had success using RedGate's ANTS profiler. It is also worth reading Brad Abrams blog where he has talked about profiling memory

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Rowland Shaw Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09

Rowland Shaw