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How do I position buttons in Tkinter?

I have a program here that has two buttons in it. I am trying to change their position to be a space between them as currently they are directly below each other. What should I do to change the position of buttons?

def menu():
    import tkinter
    window.title('Lightning Parties')
    lbl=tkinter.Label(window, text='Welcome to Lightning Parties!', fg='purple', bg='turquoise', font=('comicsans', 14))

    #here are the buttons
    lbl=tkinter.Button(window, text='Returning customer options', fg='white',   bg='purple', font=('comicsans', 12),command=combine_funcs(window.destroy, customer_login))

    lbl=tkinter.Button(window, text='Register as a customer', fg='white', bg='purple', font=('comicsans', 12),command=combine_funcs(window.destroy, customer_details))

Any help would be gladly appreciated!

like image 993
brenda Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 10:12


1 Answers

Actually in the previous semester I have also made some Tkinter application which is the project given by teacher to us. So I go to some tutorials website of Python and find three methods of placing the widgets on the output screen. The three methods are

 1. Pack()
 2. Grid()
 3. Place() #the best method over Pack() and Grid()

Place() method take the coordinates in the form of the x and y. See this link for more clarification https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_gui_programming.htm


See the bottom of the Page of the given link.The Place() method is defined with its proper arguments. I will prefer the Place() method over Pack() and Grid() because it works like CSS as we use in html, because it take the value of (width,height) and place your widget according to wherever you want.

If you find your answer a thumbs up will be appreciated.

like image 193
babygame0ver Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 07:01
