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How do I perform a random event in Python by picking a random variable?




Let's say I have to variables, dog and cat. Dog = 5, and cat = 3. How would I tell Python to pick one of these variables by random and print it to the screen?

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Noah R Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 01:12

Noah R

2 Answers

import random
print random.choice([dog, cat])

It's that simple. choice() takes a sequence and returns a random selection from it.

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Rafe Kettler Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 23:01

Rafe Kettler

You can put all the variables you want to choose from in a list and use the random module to pick one for you.

import random
dog = 5
cat = 3
vars = [dog,cat]
print random.sample(vars, 1)

The sample method takes two arguments: the population you want to choose from, and the number of samples you want (in this case you only want one variable chosen).

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user470379 Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 22:01
