I've got a nested CloudFormation template which accepts a number of parameters from its root template to configure it. At the moment I'm only passing simple string parameters but now I need to pass a list of S3 bucket ARNs onto the child template.
Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
AwsRegion: !Ref AwsRegion
Environment: !Ref Environment
Product: !Ref Product
S3Buckets: "arn:aws:s3:::bucket1,arn:aws:s3:::bucket2"
TemplateURL: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/child-template.yml"
And then in the child template I have this
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "Child Lambda"
Type: String
Type: String
Type: String
Type: String
Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Effect: Allow
- s3:PutObject
- s3:GetObject
- s3:DeleteObject
- s3:CreateBucket
- s3:DeleteBucket
- s3:ListBucket
- s3:PutBucketNotification
- Fn::Split:
- ","
- !Ref S3Buckets
My idea is that that list of S3 bucket ARNs that I'm inputting is expanded in the child template like this
- arn:aws:s3:::bucket1
- arn:aws:s3:::bucket2
But when I run the template in, it just errors out
Syntax errors in policy. (Service: AmazonIdentityManagement; Status Code: 400; Error Code: MalformedPolicyDocument)
I've tried other variations like using a CommaDelimitedList
parameter type, but none work. Is there a simple way to pass in a list of strings as a parameter?
General requirements for parameters Each parameter must be given a logical name (also called logical ID), which must be alphanumeric and unique among all logical names within the template. Each parameter must be assigned a parameter type that is supported by AWS CloudFormation.
You can't pass values of type CommaDelimitedList to a nested stack. Instead, use the Fn::Join intrinsic function in your parent stack to convert type CommaDelimitedList to type String.
Pseudo parameters are parameters that are predefined by AWS CloudFormation. You don't declare them in your template. Use them the same way as you would a parameter, as the argument for the Ref function.
2 Answers. Show activity on this post. Inside your template, use a CloudFormation parameter for the instance userdata: { "Parameters": { "UserData": { "Type": "String" } }, "Resources": { "Instance": { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "UserData" : { "Ref" : "UserData" }, ... } }, ... } }
You can pass multiple values for individual parameters in an AWS CloudFormation template in the following ways: Use AWS-specific parameter types to select values from a pre-populated list of existing AWS values from an AWS account
However, they can view information about each parameter, such as the parameter type, by using the aws cloudformation get-template-summary command or GetTemplateSummary API. You can use the CommaDelimitedList parameter type to specify multiple string values in a single parameter.
AllowedValues: another property that provides a control mechanism for inputs in a parameter. You could use this to control the EC2 instance type and sizes in a template. Outside of the custom parameters you define, there are several built-in parameter types included in CloudFormation.
I want to pass CommaDelimitedList parameters to nested stacks in AWS CloudFormation. You can't pass values of type CommaDelimitedList to a nested stack. Instead, use the Fn::Join intrinsic function in your parent stack to convert type CommaDelimitedList to type String.
Because the return value of !Split
is A list of string values.
I would do it in the following way:
Resource: !Split [",", !Ref S3Buckets]
As @MaiKaY points out, the flaw in @Liam Mayfair's code is that Fn::Split
is preceded by -
which results in a list containing a single element which is a list. The fixed code would look like
- ","
- !Ref S3Buckets
On a more general note, you must make sure to use a Parameter type of String
not CommaDelimitedList
when using Fn::Split
as it won't split a CommaDelimitedList
with Fn::Split
you'll get the error Template error: every Fn::Split object requires two parameters, (1) a string delimiter and (2) a string to be split or a function that returns a string to be split
with no Fn::Split
you'll get the error Syntax errors in policy
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