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How do I override / add to the Password Broker in Laravel?




Using Laravel 5.2

I need to overwrite a couple of pieces of functionality / add some new stuff to the password reset process. I've know I can overwrite the functionality in Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\ResetsPasswords using the Password Controller that comes out of the tin.

I also need to make changes in Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\PasswordBroker. My goal is to have an invitation email for setting an initial password that uses the existing password reset functionality. The only problem is in the function sendResetLink.

This function gets the password token and sends the email via the reset password email view. I still need the password reset functionality, but I can't have an invitation email with 'reset your password' verbiage.

How can I do this? I think I can duplicate and tweak the functionality on the reset classes to use an invite view for the email, but I can't figure out how to extend the broker class to make this work.

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TH1981 Avatar asked Feb 20 '16 06:02


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1 Answers

I was struggling with the same thing. I added a setEmailView() method to my custom PasswordBroker and called that just before sending the resetlink in AuthController, but that broke the regular password reset function.
So, I scrapped all that and went for a much simpler approach. In AuthController.php, inject a variable into the password template.

view()->composer('auth.emails.password', function($view) {
Password::sendResetLink(['email'=>$data['email']], function($message) {
    $message->subject('Registration Email');

Then, in the template auth/emails/password.blade.php

@if ( isset($register) )
    Whatever you want to say in registration Email.
    Normal password reset Email here.
like image 194
GsSherman Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10
