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How do I output each Perl array element surrounded in quotes?

I want to output the elements of an array in a specific format in Perl.

@myArray = ("A", "B", "C");
$text = something;

Something should be the string '"A" "B" "C"' (each element enclosed in double quotes).

However, if @myArray is empty, then $text should be too. I thought of using join(), such as

$text = "\"" . join("\" \"", @myArray) . "\"";
if ($text eq "\"\"")
    $text = "";

Which I think would work. However, is there a more elegant way to do this?

like image 502
rlbond Avatar asked Apr 11 '09 00:04


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The String is defined by the user within a single quote (') or double quote (“). In Perl, strings can be put in between double-quotes (” “) or in between single-quotes (' ').

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2 Answers

Use map:


use strict;
use warnings;

my @a    = qw/ A B C /;
my @b;
my $text = join ' ', map { qq/"$_"/ } @a;
print "text for (@a) is [$text]\n";

$text = join ' ', map { qq/"$_"/ } @b;
print "text for (@b) is [$text]\n";

Also, to make the code cleaner, you can use the qq// operator (behaves exactly like "", but you can chose your delimiter) to avoid having escape the "s.

like image 140
Chas. Owens Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10

Chas. Owens

Chas. has the right answer, but sometimes I use the $" variable, which holds the string to put between array elements for interpolation:

my $text = do { local $" = q<" ">; qq<"@array"> };
like image 33
brian d foy Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10

brian d foy