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How do I open a SQL CE4 .sdf database file?

I installed Microsoft WebMatrix, which, I believe comes with SQL Server CE4. I've tried opening the SDF file in SQL Management Studio (SQL 2008), but I get the following error message:

-------- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: There is no editor available for 'C:\efTest\App_Data\SchoolRepository.sdf'.

Make sure the application for the file type (.sdf) is installed.

How do I view/modify my .sdf database?

I see there is a similar question on StackOverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4070860/sql-compact-4-0-cant-open-read-sdf-file) but I would really like to use Management Studio if I can, and not another 3rd party tool.

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willem Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 05:04


People also ask

What is .sdf Database file?

What is an SDF file? A file with . sdf extension contains the Microsoft SQL Server Compact (SQL CE) database which is also known as a compact relational database; produced by Microsoft for the applications made for mobile devices and desktops.

3 Answers

Have you tried the SQL Server Compact Toolbox?

or the SQL Compact Query Analyzer?

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Christian Resma Helle Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10

Christian Resma Helle

You can download sql ce through web api just follow this link


to do that.

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Crimsonland Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10


Here are a couple which have worked quite well for me in terms of connecting to SQL CE 3.5 and 4.0 databases:

LINQPad - (See my remark to question) It works quite well plus it allows for specifying LINQ or SQL for queries.

CompactView - Seems pretty full featured + install creates a nice Windows file association so one can simply double-click to open/connect to .sdf files for instance.

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blins Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10
