I've got a Plone site that I administer and I'd like to add some pages to the Disallow of a robots.txt.
It appears that Plone automatically generates a robots.txt file. I can't find any way to modify that. I've also tried adding a 'robots.txt' file to the root of the app, but it says that "robots.txt is reserved"
Does anyone know how to modify this with Plone (v3)?
As has been noted already, Plone 3.x already includes a robots.txt file so the preferred solution now is probably NOT to create a new robots.txt in the ZMI but rather to customize the included one.
Using the ZMI, go to /portal_skins/plone_templates/ and find the robots.txt file. Customize as you would any other skin element.
Or using the filesystem, just add your robots.txt file to a custom skin product.
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