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How do I mock or verify a call to print, in Dart unit tests?



In my Dart unit tests, how do I verify that print was called?

I'm writing sample code for tutorials, and I want to test it. Many samples using print for simplicity. I'd like my unit tests to verify that print is called with the right input.


like image 578
Seth Ladd Avatar asked Feb 08 '13 01:02

Seth Ladd

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2 Answers

I don't think unittest adds anything specific for this, but you can override any top-level function in the scope of your test and capture calls to a log, for example:

var printLog = [];
void print(String s) => printLog.add(s);

main() {
  test('print', () {
    expect(printLog.length, 2);
    expect(printLog[0], contains('hello'));
    // etc...
like image 141
Justin Fagnani Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10

Justin Fagnani

Update: ZoneSpecification allows overriding the print function. By running code-under-test inside a custom zone you can capture calls to print function. For example, the following test redirects all print messages into an in-memory list log:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

var log = [];

main() {
  test('override print', overridePrint(() {
    print('hello world');
    expect(log, ['hello world']);

void Function() overridePrint(void testFn()) => () {
  var spec = new ZoneSpecification(
    print: (_, __, ___, String msg) {
      // Add to log instead of printing to stdout
  return Zone.current.fork(specification: spec).run<void>(testFn);
like image 45
user1704813 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10
