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How do I map multiple domains to the same bucket on Amazon S3?

Is it possible to do that? I need to be able to access mydomain.com by typing in my-domain.com in the address bar of the browser?

Now I added a DNS entry:

my-domain.com CNAME mydomain.com

But this doesn't seem to work. I get an 404 not found error.

like image 869
pimenz Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 03:07


People also ask

Can we host multiple websites on S3 bucket?

Hosting several subdomains in the same S3 bucket can be a great solution if you want to save time and money. Using only one S3 bucket means saving money because Amazon charges you for the size and amount of buckets, so fewer buckets mean fewer expenses.

Can an S3 bucket be in multiple regions?

S3 Multi-Region Access Points provide a single global endpoint to access a data set that spans multiple S3 buckets in different AWS Regions. This allows you to build multi-region applications with the same simple architecture used in a single region, and then to run those applications anywhere in the world.

1 Answers

You can only map a single domain to your S3 bucket. However you could use Cloudfront to do this.

See my answer to another similar question for more information.

like image 86
Geoff Appleford Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Geoff Appleford