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How do i manage workspace.xml in Intellij with git

I started a new project with my team. We are using Intellij + Java + git for developing the software.

The problem I have is that I made a .gitignore file for git auto-generated by gitignore.io. The file ignores the workspace.xml and the Project.iml files in my Project, which is good, because they cause merging conflicts later.

The thing is when I push the project on bitbucket.org and my collegues want to clone it so they can work on it, they have no workspace.xml. So Intellij can't open it up as a project.

Is there any way they can generate the missing Files or any Import option to make it a project again?

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Filip Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 00:10


1 Answers

workspace.xml is not required for opening an IntelliJ IDEA project. On the other hand, the .iml file is a required part of the project and needs to be shared in the version control system if you want to share your project with colleagues.

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yole Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10
