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How do I make text-transform:uppercase work properly with Greek?


People also ask

Can I use text-transform capitalize?

The text-transform CSS property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized.

How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter text-transform capitalize?

capitalize − The first letter of each word in the element's text should be capitalized. uppercase − All of the characters in the element's text should be uppercase (capital letters). lowercase − All of the characters in the element's text should be lowercase.

How do you make text all caps in CSS?

You can achieve CSS all caps by using the keyword “capitalize.” In addition, text-transform capitalize converts all the first letters in all words to uppercase. Other values you can use with text-transform include “none,” “lowercase,” “full-width,” and “full-size-kana.”

The issue I came across has to do with the capitalization of Greek characters by the text-transform: uppercase property.

In Greek, vowels can have acute accents, both small and caps, for instance one in Greek is ένα. In the beginning of a sentence would be Ένα. But when a word or a phrase is written in all caps then Greek grammar says that it should have no accented letters.

As it is now, CSS's text-transform: uppercase capitalizes Greek letters preserving accents which is grammatically wrong (so ένα becomes ΈΝΑ, while it should be ΕΝΑ).

How do I make text-transform: uppercase work properly for Greek?