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How do I make Phantom.js cache resources like a normal browser?



Chrome doesn't re-download javascript files every request. They cache it.

However, when my Phantom.js hits pages, it downloads the javascript every single time. Is there a setting that can make this act like a browser?

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TIMEX Avatar asked Apr 02 '14 20:04


1 Answers

PhantomJs already supports in-memory cache ; this means that if you browse multiple pages in side the same running instance, PhantomJs will not download resources already in the cache.

You could turn on disk cache ; this will store web resources (js, css, images, ...) in the physical disk.

This is controlled by a command line parameter :

  • disk-cache=[true|false] enables disk cache (at desktop services cache storage location, default is false). Also accepted: [yes|no]

  • max-disk-cache-size=size limits the size of disk cache (in KB).

From this link, it seems to be stored under %AppData%/Local/Ofi Labs/PhantomJS/cache/http. on windows.

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Cybermaxs Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
