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How do I make an image smaller with CSS?




I have this page and I have users uploading an icon image for the industries and they are uploading a bigger image. I want to resize it via CSS and it's cutting it when changing it in Firebug. To see what I mean, select "retail" from the top dropdown "Select Industry Category" and then select "General" from "Select Business Type" and you will see the oddly shaped image. It needs to be 56 pixels * 52 pixels.

Here is my HTML:

<span class="icon select-business-icon" style="background-image: url(http://posnation.com/shop_possystems/image/data/icons/retail.png);">&nbsp;</span> 

I tried in the CSS to set the width and height to the desired measurements, but all it did was truncate the image and not resize.

like image 878
Matt Elhotiby Avatar asked May 11 '11 18:05

Matt Elhotiby

People also ask

How do I make an image smaller in HTML and CSS?

One of the simplest ways to resize an image in the HTML is using the height and width attributes on the img tag. These values specify the height and width of the image element. The values are set in px i.e. CSS pixels. For example, the original image is 640×960.

Can you scale an image in CSS?

The background-size CSS property lets you resize the background image of an element, overriding the default behavior of tiling the image at its full size by specifying the width and/or height of the image. By doing so, you can scale the image upward or downward as desired.

How do I make an image smaller without losing quality CSS?

Use object fit property in your css, and give a fixed width and height to your image tag or respective class so that every image will have same width and height, Now Your Image won't be distorted.

2 Answers

Here's what I've done:

.resize {
    width: 400px;
    height: auto;

.resize {
    width: 300px;
    height: auto;

<img class="resize" src="example.jpg"/>

This will keep the image aspect ratio the same.

like image 54
David W. Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09

David W.

You can resize images using CSS just fine if you're modifying an image tag:

<img src="example.png" style="width:2em; height:3em;" />

You cannot scale a background-image property using CSS2, although you can try the CSS3 property background-size.

What you can do, on the other hand, is to nest an image inside a span. See the answer to this question: Stretch and scale CSS background

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erjiang Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
