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How do I make an HTML table the same width as its containing div tag?




I have a table inside a div. I want the table to occupy the entire width of the div tag.

In the CSS, I've set the width of the table to 100%. Unfortunately, when the div has some margin on it, the table ends up wider than the div it's in.

I need to support IE6 and IE7 (as this is an internal app), although I'd obviously like a fully cross-browser solution if possible!

I'm using the following DOCTYPE...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 

Edit: Unfortunately I can't hard-code the width as I'm dynamically generating the HTML and it includes nesting the divs recursively inside each other (with left margin on each div, this creates a nice 'nested' effect).

like image 840
Chris Roberts Avatar asked Sep 16 '08 17:09

Chris Roberts

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How do you make a table the same width in HTML?

Just add style="table-layout: fixed ; width: 100%;" inside <table> tag and also if you do not specify any styles and add just style=" width: 100%;" inside <table> You will be able to resolve it.

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remove all widths and add . content-loader table tr td { white-space: nowrap; } ? Since you have a fixed width for the container, you have too many fields inside of it to fit properly. If you had less it probably would have adjusted on its own.

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Take the width of the table and divide it by the number of cell (). If the table dynamically widens or shrinks you could dynamically increase the cell size with a little javascript.

1 Answers

Add the below CSS to your <table>:

table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; 
like image 150
Sharad Biradar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Sharad Biradar