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How do I make a pre task execute regardless of what tags are passed in?



- name: superduper playbook
  hosts: aws-region1
  remote_user: mesrine
  - include_vars: "{{ env }}/group_vars/vancouver"
    when: region is defined and region == 'van'

I want the include_vars task to execute regardless of whatever tags that are passed in. Right now, any tags that are passed in, are filtering out my include_vars pre task.

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Jacques René Mesrine Avatar asked Dec 09 '15 19:12

Jacques René Mesrine

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If you assign the always tag to a task or play, Ansible will always run that task or play, unless you specifically skip it ( --skip-tags always ). Fact gathering is tagged with 'always' by default. It is only skipped if you apply a tag and then use a different tag in --tags or the same tag in --skip-tags .

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How do I run multiple tags in Ansible?

Along with ansible-playbook command, use --tags or -t flag and pass the tag name to run only that particular task. You can also pass more than one tags to --tags flag by separating the values with commas. To skip particular tags and run all other tags, you can use --skip-tags flag.

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The easiest way to run only one task in Ansible Playbook is using the tags statement parameter of the “ansible-playbook” command. The default behavior is to execute all the tags in your Playbook with --tags all .

1 Answers

You can always use the special tag - always - to force a task to always run regardless of the tags specified.

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ydaetskcoR Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10
