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How do I log correctly inside my Ruby gem?



Currently I'm using puts, but I'm sure that's not the correct answer. How do I correctly setup a logger, inside my gem, to output my internal logging instead of puts?

like image 882
Kamilski81 Avatar asked Jul 30 '12 20:07


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2 Answers

The most flexible approach for users of your gem is to let them provide a logger rather than setting it up inside the gem. At its simplest this could be

class MyGem
  class << self
    attr_accessor :logger

You then use MyGem.logger.info "hello" to log messages from your gem (you might want to wrap it in a utility method that tests whether a logger is set at all)

Users of your gem can then control where messages get logged to (a file, syslog, stdout, etc...)

like image 53
Frederick Cheung Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10

Frederick Cheung

You can keep the logger in your top-level module. Allow user's to set their own logger but provide a reasonable default for those who don't care to deal with logging. For e.g.

module MyGem
  class << self
    attr_writer :logger

    def logger
      @logger ||= Logger.new($stdout).tap do |log|
        log.progname = self.name

Then, anywhere within your gem code you can access the logger. For e.g.

class MyGem::SomeClass

  def some_method
    # ...
    MyGem.logger.info 'some info'



  • Using the Ruby Logger
  • Logger
like image 35
Dwayne Crooks Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Dwayne Crooks